Entrust Your Fertility Treatment to the Best Gynaecologist Doctor in Ghaziabad

Dr. Priyadarshini Nanda is the M.D. of IVF center, the best Gynaecologist specialist in Ghaziabad and laparoscopic surgeon specialising in Reproductive Medicine & IVF Treatment in Ghaziabad.

Dr. Priyadarshini Nanda is a Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Sahibabad, Ghaziabad and has an experience of 16 years in these fields. Dr. Priyadarshini Nanda practices at Shreya Hospital in Sahibabad, Ghaziabad. She completed MBBS from Sambalpur University in 2003, MD – Obstetrics & Gynaecology from Sambalpur University in 2008 and Diploma in Advanced Laparoscopic surgery from Altius Hospital in 2016.

DR. Priyadarshini Nanda

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Book your appointment with Dr. Priya Nanda, a trusted and experienced Gynaecologist at Shreya Hospital, Ghaziabad. Receive expert care for all women’s health needs in a compassionate and professional environment.

Plan Table

From getting pregnant to giving birth, you can find an overwhelming amount of pregnancy information online.

Getting Pregnant

Trying to conceive

The desire to have children can encourage some women to make healthier lifestyle choices. They may become more conscious of the foods, beverages and drugs they put into their bodies, and may set aside time to exercise.

For women who want to optimize their fertility, taking better care of their bodies is a good first step. But what else can women do to improve their odds of having a baby?

“It’s important to know how far apart her cycles are so she can more accurately time intercourse to try to get pregnant”.

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Note: Although there may not be a specific fertility-promoting diet, eating a variety of healthy foods can help prepare a woman’s body for pregnancy by giving her adequate stores of critical nutrients such as calcium, protein and iron. This means eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, dairy and healthy sources of fat.


Baby Birth

Deciding on where you want to give birth is an important decision you will need to make. Here you will find information on public and private care options, including information on home births and also things like making a birth plan and what you will need to pack for you and your baby.

  • Making a birth plan

A birth plan is a written list of what you’d like to happen when you are in labour and give birth. A plan includes things like who you’d like to be with you in labour, and what position you’d like to give birth in. Find out about creating a birth plan.

  • Option for where you give birth

There are several options available to women on where they choose to give birth. What is important is that you have all the information you and your partner need to make an informed decision. Read about the options available.

  • Going To Hospital

When you are approaching your due date, it’s important that you are ready to go at a moment’s notice. Here is a useful list of what you will need to bring with you to the hospital and what to expect when you get there.

  • What you will need for baby

From clothes, bedding and car seats, here are a few hints on what you should have ready when bringing your baby home. Babies grow very quickly. All you need for the first few weeks are enough clothes to make sure that your baby will be warm and clean.


Your First Scan

Knowing what check-ups, screenings and scans to have and when to have them during your pregnancy is important information for every pregnant woman. On these pages you will find details on what is involved in your antenatal care, from ultrasounds and other standard tests to what’s involved in screening for Down syndrome and neural tube defects including spina bifida.
  • Pregnancy Care
  • NICU Facilities
  • Trisemester Care
  • Maternal Practise
  • Things to Know
  • Are you Pregnant?
  • Symptom Checker
  • About Lab Tests you need
  • Medical Treatment
  • About Getting Emergency

About Surrogate Mothers

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staff along with the time slot

Taking Care of your Child

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staff along with the time slot

About Surrogate Mothers

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staff along with the time slot

Taking Care of your Child

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staff along with the time slot


The little one is on its way and what better way to celebrate it other than Godh Bharai (baby shower)? Check out some of our tips to make this special event memorable.

Rest: Firstly, the mom-to-be should be well-rested for the hectic, yet fun, day that lies ahead.

Location: This needn’t be indoors! You can have a swanky or casual baby shower near a pool, in the park, or even on the terrace.

Dressing: Make sure the dress-code is set with the weather and the location in mind. If it’s a traditional ceremony, a saree or a comfortable lehenga would be best suited. For an informal baby shower with friends, you could pick a great evening gown or dress.

Decor: Take a trip down memory lane with the mom-to-be’s own childhood photographs and possessions. Guests could add to this by leaving letters for the baby or sweet notes for the mom.

Food: Godh Bharai calls for a decadent feast, complete with sweets and deep-fried savouries. However, a lot of moms-to-be are very health-conscious today – which shouldn’t stop them from having a good time. A ‘diet’ theme where baked or steamed goods are complemented by fruits, vegetables, and juices can be a great idea, not just for the mom but for the guests. Turning it into a potluck could also bring out the spirit of togetherness.

Entertainment: From music, dance to mehndi artists, think of a few entertaining past-times for everyone.

Gifts: The mom-to-be definitely gets gifts. But gifts aren’t just for the mom! Just like in birthday parties, give the guests a souvenir or token of appreciation. This could be in the form of scarves, books, scented candles, and so on.

Games: It may be something simple like guessing the gender of the baby just by looking at mom’s belly or creating a name-list for your baby. Adding fun themes to the event, like having everyone dress up like they’re pregnant too (stuffing pillows on their bellies), will be fun and help the mother not feel out of place!

  • Pregnancy Care
  • NICU Facilities
  • Trisemester Care
  • Maternal Practise
  • Things to Know
  • Are you Pregnant?
  • Symptom Checker
  • About Lab Tests you need
  • Medical Treatment
  • About Getting Emergency


From calculating your due date and how your baby grows until the day you meet your little one for the first time. We’re with you every step of the way.

Week-by-week updates on how your baby and your pregnancy are progressing. Know how your baby is developing and learn some fun facts along the way!

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Note: When you’re strong and healthy, your growing baby is too. We share tips on eating well, exercise and other ways to stay healthy during pregnancy.


Feeding Baby

Feeding a baby is among the top concerns new parents have. How do you know if your baby is getting enough to eat? Here you’ll learn about baby nutrition .We’ll teach you about formula and when to start solid foods. We’ll also explore bottle feeding ,help you with feeding problems, and go in depth about feeding your baby the fast year.

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Note: When it comes to feeding your baby solid foods, variety is the spice of life. Research shows that the more fruits and vegetables a baby eats before age one, the more likely she is to eat a variety of produce by the time she’s six. And when it comes to allergens like peanuts and eggs, pediatricians also recommend offering them to your baby before 12 months. So get cooking, mama!


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Award Winning Service

It is truly an honor to receive the doctor choice award. Doctor choice award is great way to assist patients in making informed decisions about their care.

-Dr. Priya Nanda

Best Doctors

By combining analytic with expert clinical services, Dr. Nanda can help individuals make the best decisions.

Dedicated Emergency Care

Open 24/7, our emergency department gives you access to specialized emergency care as a family-friendly environment.

Trimester Chart

Check out the chart below to see how the weeks, months, and trimesters of pregnancy line up with each other.

  • 4

    Things to Know

    You're actually not pregnant yet—the clock starts ticking from the first day of your last period. So even though pregnancies are said to be 40 weeks long, you only carry your baby for 38 weeks. What to do now: - Start taking a daily prenatal vitamin with at least 400 micro grams of folic acid; this B vitamin has been shown to help prevent neural-tube defects, such as spina bifida. - Quit any unhealthy habits, such as smoking or drinking. There's no time like the present.

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  • 9

    Fetal Development

    Ovulation occurs. For the best chances of getting pregnant, have sex one to two days before your expected ovulation date. What to do now: - Keep (or start) moving. Experts recommend that you exercise for at least 30 minutes on most, if not all, days throughout pregnancy. - Begin looking for an obstetrician or midwife ... just in case. Many will already be booked up.

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  • 13

    Baby Movement

    Your body halfway through pregnancy. ... You might feel your baby move for the first time when you're around 17 or 18 weeks pregnant. Most first-time moms notice the first movements when they're between 18 and 20 weeks pregnant. At first, you feel a fluttering or bubbling, or a very slight shifting movement.

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1st Trismester

0.4kg - 2.0kg
  • 18

    Pregnancy Health

    A woman’s health is essential to the good health of her baby. Women who eat well and exercise regularly along with regular prenatal care are less likely to have complications during pregnancy. They’re also more likely to successfully give birth to a healthy baby. Eating a nutritious diet during pregnancy is linked to good fetal brain development, a healthy birth weight, and it reduces the risk of many birth defects. To protect mom and baby from bacteria or parasitic infection, such as Listeriosis, make sure that all milk, cheese, and juice are pasteurized. Don’t eat meat from the deli counter or hot dogs unless they are thoroughly heated. Also avoid refrigerated, smoked seafood and undercooked meat, poultry, and seafood. If you or someone in your family has had a history of allergies, speak to your doctor about any foods to avoid.

    Quick Tips
  • 22

    Pregnancy Comfort

    A body pillow helps reduce muscle discomfort during sleep. It can provide support under your tummy and behind your back. Acupressure bands can reduce nausea. People normally wear them for seasickness, but they're also helpful for mild morning sickness.They're worn at your wrist's acupressure point, or pulse point. A heating pad will relax the muscles wherever it's applied. It can help your back, neck, legs -- wherever it hurts. Flat shoes can ease the back pain associated with pregnancy. You might even want to invest in one pair of shoes half a size larger and/or wider than you normally wear. Cocoa butter keeps your skin soft and supple. It can also help relieve the itching that comes from your skin's stretching Scented essential oils can also ease morning sickness and tired legs. Rose oil helps relieve backaches, tangerine and geranium invigorates achy feet and legs, and relaxing lavender helps you sleep.

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  • 27

    Yoga & Exercise

    Most people today treat pregnancy as a complication. But pregnancy is as natural as breathing! Pregnant women don’t suddenly become super fragile. Yes, you should not carry heavy weight during your pregnancy. But that does not mean you need to stay in bed all day! Regular exercise is important, even for pregnant women. And the best you can do for your changing body is try doing few prenatal yoga asanas!

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2nd Trismester

2.0kg - 8.0kg
  • 31

    Healthy Sleep

    Maybe you think sleep deprivation won't be an issue until after your baby is born. Hah! Depending on how pregnant you are, everything from "morning" sickness to scary dreams to restless leg can take their toll on your nightly shut-eye. Our trimester-by-trimester guide will help you sleep better during pregnancy and even in the the "fourth trimester," when you'll face a brand-new sleep challenge: your baby!

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  • 36

    Relax with Music

    For your fetus, the uterus is a sort of sensory playground. After he reaches 10 weeks old, he will be stretching and wriggling his limbs. By 23 weeks, your baby will start hearing your voice as well as other sounds and even responding to them. At this point he may even start to taste the foods you eat and enjoy one in particular. These experiences help your child prepare for being born and entering the world. Multiple studies have shown that talking to your growing baby, reading him stories, or playing music can provide a simple learning experience while still in the uterus

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  • 40

    Lower Anxiety

    Pregnancy can be a time of heightened anxiety and stress for many reasons. Anxiety in pregnancy only becomes a problem when it’s out of control and you feel anxious all the time (called ‘Generalized Anxiety Disorder’) or you get sudden intense bursts of anxiety (‘panic attacks’) Anxiety symptoms can include: Feeling over-anxious all the time and not able to control it Worrying about a number of events and activities - in pregnancy this could play out as constant worry about your baby Unable to concentrate, mind going blank Feeling irritable Sleeping badly Tense muscles.

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*units in weeks

3rd Trismester

8.0kg - 13.6kg

Things to Know

Pregnancy is the most beautiful phase of life. You can feel an abstract feeling of the motherhood. The feeling of new life growing inside you is very existing. You are filled with anxious thoughts about known and unknown Pregnancy facts.

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Baby Birth & Care

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Address: Plot No. 837, Shalimar Garden, Ext-I
Sahibabad, Ghaziabad 201005 (U.P.)

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